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Lead Certified Paint Contractor in the South Bay Area

23 Jun Posted by Chris in News | Comments
Lead Certified Paint Contractor in the South Bay Area

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has long made it a priority to reduce exposure to lead, especially for young children.  Exposure to high levels of lead can be particularly damaging to children whose nervous systems are still developing and to pregnant women, whose unborn children are growing.  Children with these high lead levels can suffer from nervous system damage, behavioral problems, learning problems, slowed growth, headaches and other debilitating conditions. The Environmental Protection Agency has been working for three decades to reduce exposure to lead in lead paint, and on April 22, 2010, new federal laws will require all contractors “performing renovation, repair or painting projects that disturb lead based paint…to be certified and to follow specific work practices to prevent lead contamination.”  The professionals at Chism Brothers have taken the necessary steps to become certified within the new EPA regulations.

Contractors today must jump through numerous hurdles to guarantee that they are meeting these rigorous safety standards when working with lead paint in homes, businesses and other child related facilities. Thousands of workers performing renovations will have to be trained and certified as “Renovators” by EPA-accredited trainers. Paint professionals and other home improvement professionals will be trained in how to effectively protect household items and how to seal floor coverings from potential contamination while work is in progress. In addition, training will be given in how to use high-powered equipment while working with lead paint and how to contain the dust that accumulates during renovations.

The business or homeowner should ask prospective contractors the status of their EPA licensing.  Also, because there is a high cost to become certified, some painting and service contractors may try to avoid the EPA regulations. Before hiring a paint contractor, do your homework.


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